Bongs Regular Bundle Pack - Mushroom Madness
Bongs Regular Bundle Pack - Mushroom Madness
Bundle Includes:
Xlarge Loosey Long Legs Bonza Bong(35cm)
Medium Mushrooms Bong(28cm)
Metalic Colours Rotating Head Blowtorch
Standard Size Natural Hemp Rolling Papers
MWP Plastic Grinder
Take your smoking experience to the next level with the Mushroom Madness Bong Bundle, a unique collection designed for those who appreciate quality and style. Featuring two distinct bongs and premium smoking accessories, this bundle has everything you need for an interstellar session.
Please note: The actual colors of the smoking accessories may vary, adding a fun element of surprise to your bundle.
Value Around $110!
SKU: G172,BL28H4,M176,BT400A1,FP34
Bongs Regular Bundle Pack - Mushroom Madness